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The Fool’s Journey

By |December 7th, 2023|Categories: Books, Meditation|Tags: , , |

The Fool's Journey IF YOU HAVE PURCHASED MY NEW TAROT BOOK, THE TAROT CHEAT FORMULA,  ADD YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS BELOW AND I WILL SEND YOU THE FOOL'S JOURNEY MEDITATION AS A FREE THANK YOU GIFT. You don’t need psychic superpowers to unlock your future with Tarot. With the three-step process in this book, you can instantly perform and interpret Tarot card readings for yourself and others—even if you are a complete beginner! With over 30 years’ experience as a world-renowned Tarot reader, Claire Stone has created an easy [...]

Exploring the Magic of Imbolc

By |January 30th, 2024|Categories: Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

Exploring the Magic of Imbolc   As the wheel of the year turns, we find ourselves at a significant juncture—Imbolc, a Celtic festival celebrating the emerging light and the promise of spring. Imbolc, also known as St Brigid's Day, falls around the beginning of February, marking the halfway point between the winter solstice and the vernal equinox. This ancient celebration is rich with symbolism and traditions that invite us to connect with the changing seasons and tap into the transformative energy of the returning light. The Roots of Imbolc: Imbolc [...]


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