When people asked me “what do you want to be when you grow up?”, my eyes widened with joy as I replied, “I want to be a psycho!”. Yes, you read that correctly, it’s not a typo. You see, when I was 6 years old, I thought that the word psycho meant that someone was psychic, not realising it was actually short for psychopath!
I was born with gifts and the ability to communicate with angels and spirits; however, I was raised by religious grandparents, and wasn’t encouraged to explore my gifts; I was told they were the Devil’s work.
This was when I realised that I was the only one in my circle to see angels. I found this very difficult to understand and was astonished by this discovery. Even though I felt alone and weird, I also felt very loved and protected. I knew that the angels and my spiritual guides meant me no harm; all they had ever done is help me.
Despite other people’s fears of the unknown constantly being projected upon me, the desire to discover the psychic world was so compelling. Perhaps it was because I was already displaying clairvoyant abilities, or maybe, like everybody else, I was looking for some hope during an incredibly challenging time.
I started reading tarot at 11 years old. While my friends purchased magazines and lip gloss, I had amassed a collection of tiny buddha statues, and incense sticks, intuitively to ‘protect’ my beloved cards (and myself). This is when my love affair with angels and all things spiritual truly began.
By the time I left school, I was reading for friends and their parents, siblings and neighbours; I was always happy to oblige – I absolutely loved reading cards! People started to call me ‘The Angel Girl’ as I would always talk about them (and still do).
Holistic Healer
By age 19, was fully qualified as a professional Holistic Therapist. For the next 15 years, I earned a living as a holistic healer and psychic reader. My professional qualifications include
- VTCT Complementary Therapies Dip
- VTCT Crystal Healing Dip
- VTCT Aromatherapy Dip
- VTCT Adult Teacher Level 4
- VTCT Indian Head Massage
- Tera Mai Reiki & Seichem Master Level
- Master Herbalist
- Aikido 2nd Dan
- Mushindo 1st Dan
- Registered Wombkeeper
Connecting with The Archeia
The more I practised aikido and gave healing treatments the stronger my spiritual awareness grew. I started connecting with the Divine Feminine Archangels, and I felt a peaceful balance within myself, that I had never felt before.
They showed me how to connect with the sacred feminine wisdom within and how to help others to reconnect to it too. They said it is time to reawaken our forgotten magick, so we can all achieve a peaceful, fulfilled life.
My book, The Female Archangels, is a Hay House Best Seller and is translated into multiple languages. My online academy, The Angel Mystery School was awarded the ‘Best Spiritual Course’ award by Soul and Spirit Magazine. I have had thousands of members since opening in 2020.
I have members from countries all over the world including Australia, Malta, the U.S.A, Norway, Germany, France, Egypt, Brazil, Japan, Italy, and so many more. All are welcome.
My Inner Magick
Connecting with my inner magick helped me in so many ways. I used to suffer from terrible anxiety and agoraphobia. My parents were both alcoholics and I was a Young Carer for my little sisters, this meant that my school education was cut 3 years short.
Despite my early difficulties I always believed that there was more to life than getting a job and all the other social norms. I always had a strong inner knowing that there is more, something spiritual still untapped. I know many people feel the same as if they are suppressing their gifts or have a soul’s purpose, but they are not sure of what that is.


Find your inner Magick

It is my mission to help as many people as possible to connect with their Souls and reawaken their inner magick. We all have the power to create happier and more fulfilling lives. I am living proof of this!
Whether it’s through the angels, the Divine Feminine wisdom teachings, Tarot or Celtic Witchcraft, I’m beyond thrilled to welcome you to my magick world full of endless possibilities. The Universe is ready to give you everything you desire…..all you need to do is ask!