August Full Super Moon in Aquarius Ritual


It’s full moon woohoo, and this will be a POWERFUL one especially since it’s a Super Moon, which amplifies the energy even more. The moon will be full at 2.26 PM BST and is in the sign of Aquarius.

Aquarius is all about the greater good and our place within the community. This ritual can help you reflect on your connections with others and how you contribute in work, relationships and to the collective good. It’s an opportunity to set intentions not just for yourself, but also for how you want to impact the world around you, fostering a sense of purpose and connection. With Mercury in retrograde you may see some unfinished business resurface, perhaps a long lost dream or relationship gets a second chance, or at the very least an opportunity for resolution awaits.

Here’s a simple, yet powerful, ritual to harness this lunar energy.

What You’ll Need:

  • A cozy spot where you can see the moon (outdoors or by a window is best).
  • A candle—white or blue is ideal.
  • A bowl filled with water and a pinch of salt.
  • A piece of paper and a pen.
  • A small crystal if you have one (think amethyst or clear quartz).
  • Mugwort, sage, palo santo, or your favorite incense for cleansing (optional, but lovely if you have it).

Let’s Begin:

  1. Set the Scene:
    • Find a quiet place where you feel comfortable and won’t be interrupted. If you can, make it somewhere you can gaze at the moon—there’s something magical about that connection.
    • Light your candle to represent the illuminating energy of the Full Moon.
    • If you have mugwort or incense, waft it around yourself and your space, clearing out any lingering negative vibes.
  2. Get Grounded:
    • Sit down, relax, and take a few deep breaths. Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth. As you do, imagine yourself being wrapped in a soft, glowing light—this is the moon’s energy embracing you.
  3. Set Your Intentions:
    • Think about the areas in your life that Aquarius influences—community, innovation, independence, all that good stuff. Reflect on anything that feels outdated or no longer serves you.
    • Write down on your piece of paper what you’re ready to release. Be honest and specific—this is your moment to let go.
  4. Let It Go:
    • Hold your paper over the bowl of water. As you do, speak aloud (or in your mind) what you’re releasing. You might say something like: “Under this Super Moon in Aquarius, I release [insert what you’re letting go]. I do so with love and gratitude, making room for new blessings to enter, so be it.”
    • Drop the paper into the water, symbolising the cleansing and release of these energies.
  5. Manifest Your Desires:
    • Now, shift your focus to what you want to bring into your life—new opportunities, healing, or positive changes.
    • Imagine the cleansing moonlight beaming down onto the crown of your head, with each inhale draw more of this transformational energy in and around you until you are fully encapsulated in a brilliant white light. If you have a crystal, hold it in your hands with the intentions of it amplifying your intentions as you visualise them as your reality.
  6. Gratitude and Closure:
    • Take a moment to thank the moon, the universe, or whatever resonates with you for guiding and supporting you through this ritual.
    • Gently blow out the candle, signaling the end of your ritual. If you can, leave the bowl of water (with the paper) under the moonlight overnight. The next day, pour the water into the earth, giving back what you’ve released.
  7. Reflect:
    • Spend a few minutes journaling or just sitting quietly, noticing how you feel. You might already sense a shift in your energy or thoughts—trust that the magic is working.

This ritual is a beautiful way to align with the potent energy of the Aquarius Super Moon. It’s your time to release, renew, and embrace all the wonderful things that are on their way to you.

Remember to listen to this free full moon healing meditation HERE

Blessed be, Claire x

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