
Manifesting with Tarot Magick

My first encounter with Tarot is one I will never forget; it was 1996 and I performed the 12-Month Ahead Spread on my best friend’s bedroom floor. Not knowing the meaning of the cards back then, The Death card in the position of February was not something I was able to get out of my mind. And when my uncle suddenly passed away in that month well, I was sold. There definitely was something in this after all I thought.


Of course, we know that the Death card seldom predicts a physical passing and more often than not indicates endings and changes in circumstances. But being just 11 years old at the time I took the meaning of the 1JJ Swiss Tarot deck quite literal. My love affair with Tarot was cemented, and over the years I came to realise that Tarot could help me more than serving as a tool to ‘predict’ my future, they could help me to create it.


It started off quite naturally, I began placing Tarot cards of my wishes on my altar. If I needed some extra cash, up the Ace of pentacles would go. To increase my psychic powers, the High Priestess would be selected. It wasn’t long before my Tarot rituals reached a new level.


I began connecting to the archetypes within the cards during my meditation practice. There is nothing like stepping into the Emperor when you need a boost of assertiveness.


Eventually, I assigned essential oils, crystals, and all other kinds of magickal associations to the cards. My background as a holistic therapist and herbalist really helped me to make these choices.


Yet Tarot magick can be as simple as taking a photo of the card that represents your wish and applying it to your screen saver on your phone. It doesn’t need to be complicated or require full moon nights to bring about successful results! You can use the deck and some simple staples. Here’s an easy ritual to get you started with manifesting with Tarot Magick.


  1. Take the Magician out of the deck and prop him up somewhere on your table as though he is overseeing your spell.


  1. Next, remove all four of the Aces. They will be used to represent the elements.


  1. Now, go through the deck, and select a card that represents your wish fulfilled.


  1. Light your favourite incense and gentle waft the smoke over the selected cards anti-clockwise to cleanse them and then clockwise to stir up their magickal presence.


  1. Place the Aces faced-up in a circle in front of you in this order, it’s easier if you think of a clock. Starting with the direction of the East Winds, place the Ace of Swords at 3’o clock. Moving towards the direction of the South Fires, place The Ace of Wands at 6 o’clock. Next, to summon the energy of the West Waters, place the Ace of Cups at 9 o’clock. Finally, the Ace of Pentacles is placed North to bring in the energy of Earth at 12 o’ clock.


  1. Lay your chosen wish card in the centre and bring the magician card into the circle too (keep him propped up).



  1. Take several slow deep breathes to centre your energy and invoke your own psychic protection method. Such as Archangel Michaels blue light etc.


  1. With your incense (or finger if you have none), trace a circle three times around the card layout with the intention that you are casting a protective ring around your set up.


  1. Place your opened palms over the circle and say three times ‘May the healing energy of East, South, West and North increase in power and come forth’. You may feel tingling sensation in your hands as they capture the energy of the elements. Feel free to move your hands over the tops of the cards while summoning their energy.


  1. Now place your hands on your heart and close your eyes. Think about your intention and the chosen wish card. Imagine that card is in front of you now, see the colours vividly. Allow yourself to step into the image. Project your awareness into the card and absorb its energy. Imagine that you are experiencing your wish fulfilled. How does this feel? Ask the archetype (personality) or energy of the card what do you need to do to secure your wish. How do you need to think, feel, and act? Tap into positive emotions and feel gratitude in your heart.


  1. Next imagine that the Magician is stood directly in front of you. He draws his wand and taps it gently onto the back of your hands that still cover your heart. He tells you that the power is in your hands. Slowly raise one hand pointing a finger up towards the ceiling and point one hand down just like the Magician.


  1. Imagine the psychic energy of your wish swelling up in your heart, imagine it branching off into your shoulder and through your arms. Send the energy through your pointed fingertips, projecting the vision of your success into both worlds (above and below). Now your psychic seeds are planted.


  1. When you feel ready, take a deep breath, allow your arms to relax and gently open your eyes.


  1. Place your hands over the cards once more to close the circle. Say “With deep gratitude to North, West, South and East this spell is closed, and the energy released. Thank you, Universe, for what comes to be. I trust that only good will follow me. So be it”.


Remember, anyone can read Tarot! Check out my book The Tarot Cheat Formula and you can read your own cards the ridiculously easy way!

Love Claire x


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