Everyone can communicate with angels! This is what motivated me to create the interview series Angel Conversations.

I want the whole world to know that we each have a guardian angel just waiting for us to ask for help. But not only that, I want to validate each person’s experience as being real, unique and special.

You see, I meet so many people who think that they cannot connect directly because ‘they can see’ or ‘hear’ and an angel with their physical senses. This is nonsense! There are many ways in which you can receive angelic guidance and it is time to reclaim trust in yourself and your abilities.

In this series, you can get the down-low from world-class angel experts and authors. They describe the unique ways in which they communicate with angels and how they perceive them. You may be shocked to discover that NOT EVERYONE PHYSICALLY SEES ANGELS?


I hope these interviews empower and inspire you.


Love Claire x

Episode 6


Meet Cassady Cayne! In this interview, we get down to some really interesting topics. As well as sharing our personal angelic experiences we also touch on twin flames, lucid dreaming,

psychic gifts and so much more! Cassady Cayne is a spiritual intuitive, lightworker and WSJ best-selling Hay House author. After experiencing a powerful spiritual awakening in adult

life, which triggered latent psychic abilities and turned her life upside down, Cassady has become a thought leader in the field of spiritual love relationships and life transformation.

Since launching her blog just five years ago, she has helped tens of thousands heal, empower, uplift and illuminate their lives into a higher state with energy methods and spiritual






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