February’s full moon lands on Sunday 9th at 7.33 am GMT (other time zones click HERE). This months supermoon is known as the Snow Moon due to the ground usually being covered in snow at this time of year. In other traditions it is known as the Storm Moon, again down to the weather and the Hunger Moon; food reserves would now be running very low after a long winter.
This full moon follows Imbolc – the halfway marker towards spring. After this Moon, life would have become easier for our ancestors, with the increased light, extra warmth and the stirrings of growth Springtime was very much welcomed and even a reason to celebrate.
Suggested activities in line with the energies of the Snow Moon:
∇ Have a spring clean.
∇ Declutter -Donate or sell any items that you are holding onto and don’t really need.
∇ Cook a meal for family and friends, give thanks for all you have to eat.
∇ If possible, donate food to a local food bank.
∇ Practise candle magic rituals.
∇ Work with Archangel Uriel ‘ Light of God’ and Archeia Aurora ‘Dawn of the goddess’.
∇ Watch the sunrise and invite more light into your life.
Snow Moon Releasing Ritual
Perform this on the night of the full moon or either day aside.
You will need: A sheet of paper and a pen, a yellow or red candle, a small container (dish or tub),
∇ On a sheet of paper, write a list of what you wish to release from the winter months. This can include any worries, stress, fear, lack of abundance, or even outworn relationships.
∇ Fold the paper up as small as possible and place in a small container.
∇ Pour water into the container, just enough to cover the paper.
∇ Place into the freezer for a few hours until fully frozen.
∇ Place the container onto a window ledge facing the direction EAST.
∇ Light a red or yellow candle next to it and say:
“As the Snow moon swells,
I call where the light dwells,
The barriers of my heart begin to melt,
So that love, peace and healing is felt”
∇ Allow the ice to melt fully, absorbing the transformative light force of the candle and the direction of East – the rising light.
∇ Pour the water down the drain and mash up the paper until your writing can no longer be seen, then discard it.
∇ Light a candle each morning or evening prior to your daily meditation practise, upon lighting say:
“The light increases day by day, love, luck and happiness are coming my way”.